
Showing posts from February, 2022

How to Make a Video Play Inside Powerpoint Slide TUTORIAL

How to Make a Video Play Inside Powerpoint Slide How to Embed a Video in PowerPoint? 4 Easy Steps (Note: This tutorial on how to embed a video in PowerPoint is suitable for PowerPoint 2013 and later versions including Function 365) Imagine this: You diligently worked on an important PowerPoint presentation, paying attention to all the tiny details. To brand it more interesting, you endeavor to embed a video inside the PowerPoint. But, to your dismay, something goes wrong. Either, the video is not getting embedded or information technology does non play during the slide prove. This is very embarrassing, isn't it? That's why nosotros have made this foolproof guide on how to embed a video in Powerpoint. After, post-obit this, you can remainder assured that all your PowerPoint videos work correctly during the presentation. Yous'll larn: Step i – Insert a Video Store
